Navigating the Unix File System: A Beginner's Guide to Access, Processes, Permissions, and Redirection

file access, processes, permissions, and redirection in the Unix

In the Unix operating system, you can use a variety of commands to
manage file access, processes, permissions, and redirection. Here are
some common commands and techniques for working with these concepts in

1. chmod: Changes the permissions of a file or directory.

$ chmod 755 file.txt

2. chown: Changes the owner of a file or directory.

$ chown user file.txt

3. &: Runs a command in the background.

$ long-running-command &

4. |: Pipes the output of one command into another.

$ ls | grep ".txt"

5. >: Redirects the output of a command to a file.

$ ls > file-list.txt

6. >>: Appends the output of a command to a file.

$ ls >> file-list.txt

By using these commands and techniques, you can easily manage file
access, processes, permissions, and redirection in the Unix operating

Reference Books

Here are the books I’ve used as references for writing this article,
please feel free to read them If you don’t want your knowledge to be
limited to this article alone.